
The Appropriation of Autopoiesis in Architecture

The term autopoiesis, a neologism made up of the two ancient Greek words autos (self)…

Join Our Team

The Design Cybernetics Group is recruiting researchers with strong academic and technical skills for a…

Time Benders: Design for Asynchronicity

Day in, day out, most people work to meet somebody else’s schedules and deadlines, based…

Design of an Analog-Digital Hybrid Controller

This project is motivated by a need to raise awareness of and popularize analog and…

Speculative Remake of the Ashby Box

While working at the Biological Computer Laboratory at the University of Illinois in the 1970s,…

Return Visit to SCUT and Invited Lecture

Following the earlier visit of Prof. Liu and Prof. Deng of the Department of Architecture…

Cross-Morphological Heat Sink Comparisons

This project was motivated by an interest in exploring applications of additive manufacturing beyond functional…

Analog Computing

Analog computing is a computational paradigm next to digital computing and quantum computing. It is…

Design Cybernetics

Design cybernetics offers a way of looking at ourselves – curious, creative, and ethical humans…

SCUT Team Visits the SUSTech School of Design

After some of us got to know each other at the 60th Anniversary Conference of…